Treats for the Strange

Welcome to Treats for the Strange. I update erratically, whenever I feel the need to share something in my very pansexual collection.

Treats for the Strange is for anyone with a love of sexuality, art and kink.


And so I made my own!

I keep stumbling onto this picture - though I'm pretty sure the original source is Male submission secrets. I loved it, so I decided to make a few of my own based on the bdsm stereotypes I run into the most. I didn't make all of them (that would have taken all night!) but I think more people should make these.

And of course, some of them would be the exact opposite of what I made. Some people only want kink to mean kinky sex. It's different for everyone, which is one of the biggest things to consider when you're talking to other people who live under the giant umbrella term that is kink.

 Seriously. I've had people ask me if I'm a serial killer. :(

 I always feel so sorry for female submissives when people pull this shit on them. Or when I told people I was a woman into bdsm. This was pretty much immediately what popped up.



  1. That photo of the woman washing feet... do you happen to have the source on that? It's beautiful.

    1. The only source I could find on it is here:
      but I have an un-watermarked version that I believe I found on someone's blog... unfortunately I didn't label it.

    2. lol, we don't know -anyone- who fits that first stereotype


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