Treats for the Strange

Welcome to Treats for the Strange. I update erratically, whenever I feel the need to share something in my very pansexual collection.

Treats for the Strange is for anyone with a love of sexuality, art and kink.



Picture from Arkandia.

So, I really love opposites. I really love soft, creamy, hairless pale skin. I also like bristly, bearded, rough, scarred, dark skin. I like to mix those things into the same people too. People with beautiful skin marred with a scar become infinitely sexier to me. Rough and tumble bearded folk with soft hands... rawr.

From The Lair.

I think I also just love skin. When I was younger I had issues with the human body (mostly mine), and it's taken me a long time to realize this, but I love skin. I love soft skin and rough skin and scarred skin and untouched skin and hairy skin and naked skin and goose-pimpled skin and tattooed skin and freckled skin. I love stretch marks and bruises and scars. I love the intimate skin of someone's neck or thigh and the every day skin covering our fingers. I love the whorls and patterns of our skin and hair and most of all, I love when people love their bodies.

I wish I loved my body all the time. I'm getting there. I never would have felt sexy being such a round person before. I had a hatred of my body growing up, stemming from my mom, who hated her body and often got me to join her in an attempt to 'change for the better'. I walk more than I ever did then. And I enjoy it. I'm overweight, fat and I think my stretch-marked belly is fucking awesome. My horribly female breasts are another matter, but when I wear my chest binder I have the sweetest chubby boy chest. I love it.

From Gender Bender.

Aaand I didn't mean to write so much. I'm off to sleep.

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