Treats for the Strange

Welcome to Treats for the Strange. I update erratically, whenever I feel the need to share something in my very pansexual collection.

Treats for the Strange is for anyone with a love of sexuality, art and kink.


suspension upside down *removed*

I had a photo from Rope-topia up, but it had been cropped and I couldn't find the same picture on the rope-topia site, so I couldn't replace it. So, I'll be replacing it with a different rope-topia photo, one with a watermark.
Love the model in this one, and the rope-bondage prayer is fantastic. 


  1. From

    The logo and copyright notice have been removed from this picture.

  2. Thanks for the tip. I'll see if I can find the pic from the site. I don't remember where I got this one.


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