Treats for the Strange

Welcome to Treats for the Strange. I update erratically, whenever I feel the need to share something in my very pansexual collection.

Treats for the Strange is for anyone with a love of sexuality, art and kink.


Fuzzy handcuffs

Look, something pretty!

From Frog.


Why is a beautiful submissive man hiding his face?

Is it a shameful thing to be submissive?

Watch femdom porn. The men wear masks. The men have their faces turned away from the camera. The women never wear masks and you can always see their faces. Their identities aren't something they need to hide.

You know what I hear from a lot of submissive men? I can't go to a munch because of my job. People might see me. People might know who I am.

I never hear this from dominant men. I never hear this from women. I'm not saying there aren't other people out there who are worried about people finding out who they are, but I talk to a lot of kinksters.

Why is it shameful to be a submissive man?

Why is masculinity so far removed from submission in so many cultures?

Photo from redbottom83.

Pretty ropes

Just some prettiness. I had something intelligent to say, but instead I'll just post prettiness with no thought.

This is from Petxis.
