It is -cold- playing fetch in the winter! I recommend dog coats for your pets. I think it would be awesome to make my boy a dog coat. :D
Anyway, this lovely is from farmd0g. Check out that blog, it has some great photos.
Art, literature, poetry, essays, thoughts and tidbits about bondage, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism, fetish, safety, kink, gender and love.
Treats for the Strange
Welcome to Treats for the Strange. I update erratically, whenever I feel the need to share something in my very pansexual collection.
Treats for the Strange is for anyone with a love of sexuality, art and kink.
Playlist (no, not music)
-Feeding, shaving and pampering in the bath
-Balancing things on his head
-Holding mirror while I shave
-Using sticks tied together for a flogger
-Tattoo serial number on inner thigh
-Write up a pet notecard
-Pet obstacle/agility course
-Using him as a table, eating off his back
-More ballet
-More calligraphy
-More pipe smoking!
-Winter, so I can get a robe, slippers, a pipe and a glass of brandy brought to me. :D
-Get another dom in on the fun for my boy
-Pet grooming/new pet training
-Paper training :D
-More posing for arts!
-Balancing things on his head
-Holding mirror while I shave
-Using sticks tied together for a flogger
-Tattoo serial number on inner thigh
-Write up a pet notecard
-Pet obstacle/agility course
-Using him as a table, eating off his back
-More ballet
-More calligraphy
-More pipe smoking!
-Winter, so I can get a robe, slippers, a pipe and a glass of brandy brought to me. :D
-Get another dom in on the fun for my boy
-Pet grooming/new pet training
-Paper training :D
-More posing for arts!
...not at all what I was looking for

Also, the original name of the photo was "French Navy". Which made me lol.
A submissive boy kowtows and hides his face in his hands. He looks almost like a painting or a greek statue. Beautiful representation of submission from Male submission art.
dark and light
Lovely poses. Blindfolded, head back, disheveled robe... very nice! I can't find the artist that did this one, but I know I found this on y!gallery. Anyone know the artist?
Beautiful wax
These are, without a doubt, the most beautiful wax-play photos I have ever seen. Three cheers for Hikari Kesho! My new favorite photographer. I'll just be in his photo gallery, drooling.
Two legged pet
From the wonderful Frog! I love the stumbling on the knees with no hands or elbows to support the upper body. Especially using the bowl to tempt the pet into bending over. This may end in a face-plant.
Strap-on fun
I don't usually like lesbian porn, since it's mostly aimed at men, but I do really love this shot. Also, cutest brown-leather collar. Almost steam-punk. Have to love it.
From Whipped Ass.
From Whipped Ass.
Ahh, reminds me of the opening scene from Secretary. I love that part of the movie best. She's graceful even with her spreader bar, still able to get work done and look elegant doing so. Reminds me of my butler.
From touch puppet.
From touch puppet.
corset piercing, tattoo and rose
Oddly, I think a tattoo of a corset piercing would be cool. This almost looks like a tattoo, I think it's the redness. I know piercings generally get red too, but for some reason I just associate it with tattoos.
A cool picture of clothespin play from bdsm romance. I bet that's going to sting coming off! This is awesome, he looks like some sort of spiked creature. It's strange how so little can change someone's appearance so much.
Venus in Furs
"I imagine that the goddess of Love has come down from Olympus to visit a mortal. So as not to die of cold in this modern world of ours, she wraps her sublime body in great heavy furs and warms her feet on the prostrate body of her lover. I imagine the favorite of this beautiful despot, who is whipped when his mistress grows tired of kissing him, and whose love only grows more intense the more he is trampled underfoot. I shall call the picture "Venus in Furs"
— Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (Venus in Furs)
Scarification, chains, partial undress, ripped clothing, fantasy creatures and a kiss? Awesome.
From ChocolateisForever.
From ChocolateisForever.
vintage spanking
A cute pic from Fetish popculture. Cute faggy boy spanking a femme lady. And such cute undies too!
head back, pulled close
Purrr.... so lovely. Happy, naked sub with a pretty leather collar and a chain leash pulled up against her dominant. What more could I ask for? ... actually a lot, but this is a great photo anyway. :)
Another from my Darker Sides.
Another from my Darker Sides.
Kink can be found anywhere
This is a random little thought that's been floating about in my brain for awhile.
My wife and I roleplay a lot, and a lot of our roleplays aren't really original. They often end up being very much ours, but they can start at the weirdest places. For example, we were watching Cars (yes, the Pixar movie for kids) and we thought that the relationship between Fillmore and Sarge (the hippy and the army vet) was surprisingly hot, so we decided to do just that. A hippy and a vet. It worked out really well and was actually way sexier than we had thought it would be. The characters were just a one-shot and we haven't used them much since, but it was definitely worth playing with and writing out.
Which reminds me, my pet and I have started another few blogs... I'm not sure how this started happening. We're blog people now. is for our writing and roleplays together. They're basically just smut for our own amusement. is for our historical loves. We'll be posting mostly pictures and getting around to other things as we feel like it.
My wife and I roleplay a lot, and a lot of our roleplays aren't really original. They often end up being very much ours, but they can start at the weirdest places. For example, we were watching Cars (yes, the Pixar movie for kids) and we thought that the relationship between Fillmore and Sarge (the hippy and the army vet) was surprisingly hot, so we decided to do just that. A hippy and a vet. It worked out really well and was actually way sexier than we had thought it would be. The characters were just a one-shot and we haven't used them much since, but it was definitely worth playing with and writing out.
Which reminds me, my pet and I have started another few blogs... I'm not sure how this started happening. We're blog people now. is for our writing and roleplays together. They're basically just smut for our own amusement. is for our historical loves. We'll be posting mostly pictures and getting around to other things as we feel like it.
Someone's about to have a rough night
Another lovely from Fellows! Great situational bondage and expressive characters. None of them seem too happy about their predicament, but sometimes that's what I'm looking for. I love the whip framing him. Just luverly.
Can I have a pony?
From Fluffy Bunny and Male Submission Art.
Also, thanks to Pretty Kinky Things for leading me to that sweet little comic.
stocking bars
You know what's lovely? The shadow on her thighs that looks like the edge of stockings.
From Claus Rose.
From Claus Rose.
foot fetish
I have mixed feelings about this picture, but I still feel it's worth posting. I like how relaxed the bottom seems, the way his hands are posed and the way she's arranged him for her foot rest. But for some reason, foot fetishism and I don't get along all the time. Which is strange, because I think feet are beautiful and I love having my toes sucked. It might just be the numerous creepy messages I've gotten from fetishists asking for my dirty socks. No, thanks.
Fire suspension
Another fire play gem. Terrifying! I'm not sure how this works... or why they set the ropes on fire (besides the fact that it looks amazing). Gorgeous photo though! Photo from FrenchChris.
big eyes
A beauty from Josselin Guichard! The model reminds me a lot of someone I worked with, so I had to save it. Also she's a rope fetishist too, so it works out really well. Rawr nipple piercings and big eyes looking up at me. :)
Fire play and accidents
A stunning picture of fire play from Pretty Kinky Things. However, this beautiful work of art comes with a warning.
This is what can happen when fire play goes wrong. Luckily for her, she survived and now she talks about safety in bdsm.
"The short story, I was bottoming in a fire scene with the man who was previously my Master. We've done scenes with fire cupping before but I had no idea he was doing it wrong. Rather than swab the cup with rubbing alcohol, he poured it in and lit it on fire. Because there was too much fuel, the cup wouldn't create suction on my back and it spilled. I was in subspace due to a previous scene and felt the alcohol pool under my breasts but I didn't think to say anything. Even though he wiped off my back with a towel, there was still too much fuel present and the unthinkable happened when the open flame ignited all the alcohol on my back and my side and my breasts. I'll never forget that night in the dungeon. He helped me heal and we both spoke at bdsm events when safety was the topic. Today I am a top and I have also become involved with The Phoenix Society, which is for burn survivors."
This is what can happen when fire play goes wrong. Luckily for her, she survived and now she talks about safety in bdsm.
"The short story, I was bottoming in a fire scene with the man who was previously my Master. We've done scenes with fire cupping before but I had no idea he was doing it wrong. Rather than swab the cup with rubbing alcohol, he poured it in and lit it on fire. Because there was too much fuel, the cup wouldn't create suction on my back and it spilled. I was in subspace due to a previous scene and felt the alcohol pool under my breasts but I didn't think to say anything. Even though he wiped off my back with a towel, there was still too much fuel present and the unthinkable happened when the open flame ignited all the alcohol on my back and my side and my breasts. I'll never forget that night in the dungeon. He helped me heal and we both spoke at bdsm events when safety was the topic. Today I am a top and I have also become involved with The Phoenix Society, which is for burn survivors."
Colonial American bondage
A cool sketch from bdsm romance. I'm really growing fond of this blog. It has interesting pictures and I really enjoy the writing as well. Take a read :)
trash - abuse
Powerful work from Jisuk. A bleeding, partially undressed, bound and gagged boy thrown in the garbage with all the trash bags.
For a lot of top folk, the idea that bottoms are just to be thrown out after seems to be normal. It's the idea that you don't need a relationship, that you can just pick up anyone new to bdsm, offer to be their 'mentor' and then use and abuse them. I'm quite sick of that.
I feel like I need to warn those who are new to bdsm that older and 'more experienced' people may try to take advantage of their eagerness to learn and have a partner. At the same time, I don't want to scare away those people who are new. I want them to realize that a lot of us are normal people who can be trusted and will help them to learn without expecting sexual favors, etc, in return.
And really, how do you approach someone who's known to be a predator of those new and shiny members of the bdsm groups and tell them to fuck off, we know what they're up to? We're supposed to be a welcoming group and our standards of mentorship and safety can't apply to everyone. Still, I'm sick of seeing new people disappear after the predators have scared them off, or seeing them get hurt after trying a relationship with a predator.
For a lot of top folk, the idea that bottoms are just to be thrown out after seems to be normal. It's the idea that you don't need a relationship, that you can just pick up anyone new to bdsm, offer to be their 'mentor' and then use and abuse them. I'm quite sick of that.
I feel like I need to warn those who are new to bdsm that older and 'more experienced' people may try to take advantage of their eagerness to learn and have a partner. At the same time, I don't want to scare away those people who are new. I want them to realize that a lot of us are normal people who can be trusted and will help them to learn without expecting sexual favors, etc, in return.
And really, how do you approach someone who's known to be a predator of those new and shiny members of the bdsm groups and tell them to fuck off, we know what they're up to? We're supposed to be a welcoming group and our standards of mentorship and safety can't apply to everyone. Still, I'm sick of seeing new people disappear after the predators have scared them off, or seeing them get hurt after trying a relationship with a predator.
Bondage girl art
Some flexible lady bondage art from the very talented Ben Newman. I love her expression. It's like she's tempting someone into this, as if though she's tied up, she's in control. Cute.
part of the table
I both like and dislike this picture. On one hand, human furniture, he's controlling what she eats and drinks and it makes for very interesting bondage. On the other hand, he has to serve her. Still, she's fairly helpless and it's a lovely idea.
Helen Gorrill
I felt that I had to write a letter to this artist who's work I really admired. And she replied! So here it is:
I just wanted to say that I really like a lot of your art and I wanted to give you a different perspective on some of what you've created. I'm a sadist, into bdsm. I teach bdsm 101, put on bdsm parties and organize the bdsm community in my area.
The women that you draw are meant to be strong, powerful women, but what you have painted is what's called a service top. A dominatrix is really just a prostitute. They follow whatever scene a submissive man asks for. They are not dominating these men, they are serving them. They do what they're asked to do, they're paid for their service and they usually don't get anything out of the scene themselves.
I know a lot of dominants who are dominants in their real lives. Their romantic lives, their social lives... it isn't their job, it's their idea of fun. Most of them aren't models or the ideal image of the dominatrix. Very few of them wear leather or latex. Very few of them wear corsets, especially during a scene. None of the ones that I know wear heels. Generally when we play, we play in comfortable clothing, or naked. The reason a dominatrix wears her leather and latex outfit is to please the person who she's serving. It's for their fetish, and their visual pleasure.
Again, I really like a lot of your art, I just thought you might be interested in a different view.
Hi Martine,
Thanks for getting in touch! I totally understand what you're saying and appreciate you've taken the time to write. I agree with a lot of what you say - a lot of my work is based on feminist writings such as Naomi Wolf's Fire with Fire, and a typical young girl's vision of the ultimate image of power as herself as a 'model'. I've made quite a lot of dominatrix work along the lines you've written below after a lot of research, but for some reason these paintings just didn't work - whether this is because they don't align with the typical vanilla's view of what a dominatrix is (I admit myself that I was equally clueless before my research) or simply because they were less good paintings... either way, I aim to develop these works in the next year. I think the idea of who you're dressing up for is a fasinating subject, everyone's got different opinions on that.
Thanks again for getting in touch Martine. Maybe you'll be willing to assist with my research in due course!
Kind regards
caged lovely
A caged pet from my darker sides. Lovely pose, great expression and rawr. I want a nice cage for my pet, one with a pad in the bottom, not wire. Wire's too hard on the knees. :)
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